Where We Serve

Lighthouse Arab World was born in the hearts and minds of a small group of people in North Africa who believed, and continue to believe that it is possible to break down walls of hate towards Christ and Christians. The countries that comprise the Middle East and North Africa are some of the least reached in the world, and for people groups that are categorized as reached, the church is very small and often underground. Through our social media content, streaming mobile applications and over the air television shows, Lighthouse intends to touch each and every person in this region.

Statistics of Note for the Middle East and North Africa:

Total Population: 407,817,000

Of the total, 5.5% are Christian and 1.5% Evangelical

Of the 572 people groups, 389 are unreached

In North Africa, the dominant and historic Arab and Berber people groups are less than 0.1% Christian and even less so Evangelical
